Catholics argue that if a Protestant thinks Satan in Hell or wherever he is can see and hear your thoughts so can a saint in Heaven.

So how do they hear?

The Church replies that the saints are so close to God they see and hear things through him. He is a communication and a relationship so to speak. He is everywhere and able to show you whatever you want to see.

So then how are we connected to Satan? It must be God as well. God is very kind to Satan then!

And why can’t we hear God or Satan or anybody else as clearly as say Satan can hear us? Why do we only guess that God or Satan suggested something to us?

One answer is that God supports Satan.

The other is that that you are acting as if you assume you are special that you have some power. Perhaps you are psychic or have an occult ability? If God can’t clearly guide you then you are more adept than God at knowing when a message is from him. You are the effective one not him. He like a postman that is so terrible that you have to go through the mailbag yourself to get your letters.

If the saint veneration system is not necromancy it is close to it. It is tied to occult assumptions that go unmentioned by the strategic manipulative church. It is riddled with fake humility. The Church correctly sees occult activity as based pride and entitlement. It needs to look at itself.


The Church of Rome says the saints are advocates for us with God. Advocate implies pleading with a being who is reluctant to do what you want. The Bible says that Christ is advocate (1 John 1:9). Here it means that Christ paid God the price for our sins which God would not forgive without it so he was a real advocate and dealt with a being reluctant to save us unless he got paid. The saints cannot be advocates unless God does not want to hear the prayers they and we offer but reluctantly gives in.

It makes no sense for the Lord to hear some prayers and not hear others just because a saint wasn’t asked to ask him for we know that all prayers are chiefly spiritual and ask for the same thing: that the will of God may be done. God will always answer this prayer. If he is perfect then he is evil if he does not do his own will. He holds everything in existence and runs everything so he is bound to do his own will always.
If God is almighty and gives us grace then we need only ask him once in our lives to help us all our lives. One prayer suffices. Reason 1 for saint worship denies this. Therefore it calls God unreasonable and difficult.
If God helps you because the saint asked him to then he wouldn’t have bothered if the saint had not. He always does what is best for he is perfect so not helping you would be for the best. Yet this theory of saint-worship has him doing what he shouldn’t do over a saint’s request. The saint is happy with God who promises that there is no pain in Heaven so the saint won’t be offended or hurt if God refuses. God and the saint are portrayed as diabolical. The saint is stronger than God when he can get God to do what he would rather not do if he is good. The saint is the real God here. To ask the saint to sin by telling God to turn aside from perfection is insulting the saint. When the saint won’t plead with God for you unless she or he is asked it shows she or he is no saint at all but a cold monster. This God had arbitrarily made himself subject to capricious saints. A God who exposes us to the danger of falling into sin for nothing is an evil God. Praying to saints means considering God sinful.
One thing that praying to saints implies is that God is at the mercy of the saints and that they are the real gods. The almighty would not be under the creatures he has made.
Those Catholics who say they are only praying to God through the saint not to the saint and that they are not asking the saints to influence God for them are unbelievably hypocritical. Why say, “Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen”, when you are praying to God alone? There is no point in using this formula. It would be insulting the saint by offering deceit. You would say, “God listen to Holy Mary praying for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen”, if the adoration of God were all that mattered.
Some will contend that if we must love God only and love others just for the love of him then God might decree that we must love certain saints to get certain results. No. God loves us infinitely and totally and deserves all our love so we owe all our devotion to him and to no one else and we are to love and help others for his sake which is really just using others to love him with. When we are to love God only it is silly to pray to the saints for it would be the same thing to pray directly. Invoking saints is just using meaningless words that they aren’t interested in listening to or meant to listen to. When you say, “St Joseph, pray for us”, it is hypocrisy to be loving only God and speaking only to Joseph and especially when there is no need to address Joseph. When we are to love God alone we cannot offer any genuine worship to saints for to love them for God is not loving them but him.

The Catholic practice of praying to saints is not Christian. It is idolatry – the sin that is most savagely condemned in the Bible. The Bible says these things are serious wrong and God finds them very offensive. It condemns idolatry as the worst sin. It even ridicules those who commit it so it forbids respecting Catholic idolatry. Whether those who venerate and invoke saints mean to commit idolatry or not, that is what they are doing.

The very fact that the Bible condemns many beings as false gods who should not be prayed to though all they did was intercede with Gods who were greater than them indicates that saint-worship is bad. Though the beings were called gods they were the same as saints. Roman Catholicism is a polytheistic religion for it has many gods. Hinduism is full of demigods who are just like the Catholic saints. The pagan Gods did not necessarily know all that happened on earth. They were like men and women with magical powers. Catholic saints are more powerful than they.  They are Gods and contradict the Bible rule that there is only one God and that the gods of the nations are nothing.
We have proved that prayer to saints is illogical and since Catholics know of the Christian" true God" the Christians would have to say they are worse than pagans. To honour the saints excludes invoking their intercession. It is Protestants who don’t pray to saints, not Catholics, who really respect them. The saints cannot accept such so-called worship so it must belong to demons. If such prayers are answered then the Devil must be answering them simply because God would not foster any activity that puts him down.
By now you will have read undeniable proof that saint-worship is evil and blasphemous and superstitious. Yet there are saints whose bodies allegedly have never decayed and which exude a lovely smell. There are allegedly miracle-working bones and relics of saints. There are saints who appear to the living in visions and who work many miracles. All these wonders must be hoaxes if there is a God for he would not endorse saint-worship. If there is no God then Satan could be behind them. The miracles could logically imply that Satan is God.


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