Catholic doctrine is that saints are in Heaven and are thus friends of God.  It canonises those who showed heroic devotion to the faith and morals of the Church.  Miracles are invoked as a sign that the person is really in Heaven and then they can be declared saints.

The requirement for miracles is basically saying that we know a person is a saint from the evidence of their life but we still need miracles performed seemingly as a result of their intercession. It sounds awful and uncharitable if evidence for a person's goodness can be considered to be insufficient and then to require a miracle before one is satisfied! And especially coming from a Church that claims it is a duty to think the best of people and which has gospels where Jesus said the Jews were guilty of a great unforgivable sin for not being satisfied and content with the evidence of his good works and were still suspicious that he was in league with Satan. Now if the evidence of the person's life is unsatisfactory or incomplete the Church will not go by any miracles reported of that person. So it follows the miracles are pointless. The evidence of the life is what is important. The miracle isn't needed at all if the evidence is satisfactory. There is no obligation to believe in the miracle. The reality of the miracle is one thing but there is no way to be sure that the person's saying the miracle was done only in response to a prayer to the person proposed for canonisation is correct information. Satan can inspire people to lie. Catholics can be sceptical about the miracle being a miracle if they find reason. They can doubt that it really had anything to do with the person proposed for canonisation. All that underlines the total uselessness of the miracle. We are not saying that if God cures gangrene in a miracle that this is useless. We are not saying being cured of gangrene is useless but we are saying when God uses a showy and miraculous way of curing it instead of doing it in more natural looking style that this showiness or supernaturality is useless and pointless. The Church is saying, "God we believe this person is a saint and should be canonised but it shouldn't be done until you do some miracles through that person's intercession. Please do a few miracles through her or his intercession and then we may proceed and get this person made a saint though we don't really need them." That is really the sin of putting the Lord your God to the test condemned so strongly in the Old Bible and Jesus said it was a sin for Satan wanted him to test God and Jesus refused quoting the Bible in support. True Christians will say that if you test God to perform a miracle and there is a response that the person doing such a miracle is Satan himself or the miracle was based on some mistake or delusion and was not supernatural.

The Church used one miracle to justify Pope Francis declaring Pope John XXIII a saint.  In 1966, Sister Caterina Capitani had a stomach full of tumours.  Her spleen and pancreas had also to be removed.  A lot of surgery took place.  A seeping hole appeared several days later and she put a relic of the pope on it  She saw the pope in a sort of dream: “I wondered whether it had been a dream” (Allegri 2014) and lived a normal life after.  It is known she had fever and there is no evidence that the seeping came from a whole and the mess there can be explained by her vomiting on herself.  The tumors were removed by medical science and there is no documentation about the doctor who diagnosed her wound, fistula (Allegri 2014). Who cares if there was a hole or fistula for it had nearly two weeks to heal!  This rubbish miracle is what the Church accepted!

Sister Marie Simon-Pierre Normand was supposedly cured by Pope John Paul II of Parkinsons.  She went into remission in 2005 and ceased her medication.  It is not clear that all her symptoms were down to Parkinsons.  We don't know for sure if her diagnosis was correct for many illnesses mimic Parkinsons.  Plus she was very interested in the pope's symptoms and her own seemed to imitate his.  That suggests a bit of mind over matter.

Normand's illness returned in 2010 (Hooper 2010). Relapse is always a sign that a miracle was not really a miracle.

Floribeth Mora Diaz from Costa Rica was claimed to be healed of an incurable and inoperable “cerebral fusiform aneurysm.”  She had headaches and in 2011 a neurosurgeon gave her that diagnosis.  She claimed that when she gazed on a picture of John Paul II in a newspaper that her condition suddenly vanished.  She has an exaggerated view of how serious her illness was.  If she reduced her blood pressure that would make her feel better and there is little concern about such an aneurysm causing harm.  Needless to say there is a shortage of data on her diagnosis which means there is scope for her to pretend or imagine or claim to have been worse than what she was.  The problems did not stop the Church recognising her miracle or Sister Capitani's as being a sign that John Paul II was a saint.


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