A creator God has to be to blame for what we choose

A critical look at the story of the demise of Goliath

Against gay revisionism of Bible condemnation of gay sex

Another look at the God loves all verses in the Bible

Apparitions of Mary at Garabandal are peppered in doubts

Atheism and religion and guilty until proven innocent"

Buddhism and insights on God and Christianity

Can we have free will if God knows what we will do with it?

Can you be gay and Catholic?

Catholics and the gays on the homophobic bedrock

Christian God loves without having free will so we are told!

Christians lie about what free will means when it comes to their God being free

Christians who won't bake pro-gay marriage cakes

Contradictions in the Book of Genesis

Danger of thinking God knows best

Determinists are victims of Christian bigotry

Did God hide from Satan and thereby cause him to go wrong?

Did paranormal events happen at Garabandal?

Do we really want God's unconditional love?

Does God make exceptions to nature or do miracles fit God?

Father Gino Burresi is another Padre Pio but got caught!

Forgiveness is the God theory's Achille's Heel?

Fr Gobbi and his dubious Marian Movement of Priests

Fundamentals about the burden of proof

Galatians 3:27-28 does not really teach equality

Galileo showed how the Church tried to wreck science

Gays and religionists who hates the most?

GDPR and leaving Catholic Church

Gehenna, Jesus vindictively meant that the wicked are rubbish

Gender affirming surgery and religion and medicine

Gender dysphoria is the experience of being mismatched

Generosity and grace refute God

Genesis advocates heternormativity and excludes homosexuality

Genetic fallacy, when a Christian becomes atheist

Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein on the Late Late Show

Getting out of Catholic Church membership

Ghost Rider makes us ask if Jesus doesn't heal our evil but absorbs it

Girl Guides Promise and why we oppose it

Give Religion No Money ever

Give the person your questions not your opinions

Glories of Mary an example of Catholic excessive Marian Devotion

Gnostic Evidence against veracity of Jesus story

God and Horrendous Suffering book shows they don't fit

God and Religion imply our wellbeing is unimportant

God and the claim that society needs him to have meaning

God as moral bully and his friends as collaborators

God belief failed to halt IRA terrorism and it helped it

God belief forces you to be a potential and actual hypocrite

God belief makes desire a sin!

God bless you! Why that saying is bad

God can save all from Hell especially children so why doesn't he?

God cannot suffer with us so he is not compassionate

God can't abolish his hateful laws

God concept authorises interference in lives of others

God does not know best!

God goes with the degrading notion of altruism

God has no right to be worshipped

God hates people who are not fit for Heaven

God implies lying always inadvisable and always wrong!

God implies temptations are sins

God is a control belief and it's about biased thinking not God

God is a crutch to help fake loving others

God is an autocratic idea

God is an excuse for hypocrisy?

God is happy when you are in Hell?

God is no argument against murder

God is not a reality but a man-made falsehood

God is one not three

God is the biggest abortionist of all!

God is the ingredient that makes a religion dangerous

God makes you heartless when it comes to him & suffering

God of the Science Gap makes the Gap a God

God the most unpleasant character in all fiction

God wants gays to burn with lust and frustration

Godel's Theorem and Religion

Godparents have no business choosing the church for the baby

God's fictitious right to be loved

God's property rights over me and nature

Gospa of Medjugorje, is she either drunk or insane?

Gospel of Philip calls Jesus a myth

Grateful People, unpacking the dark side

Harmfulness of belief in God

How a loving God would not let animals suffer

How love for God can imply you need hugely good evidence for miracles

If free will is a gift from God it's no longer his concern how I use it

If God exists he will not hide himself

If God is evil then why does good exist?

If Jesus was God then he cannot save sinners

In theology God is judgement and not just a judge

Is God a basic belief or one that we don't need evidence for?

Is God's love comforting or is it too short-term to have value?

Is it true that biological sex is rooted in what gametes you should produce?

Is Jesus proof of God's existence and devotion to us?

Is the mind transcendent as in separate from the body?

Islam like many Christians bans the supposed sin of gambling

LGBT people are just not safe in a Bible influenced context

Lie of Group Simultaneity relating to Medjugorje visionaries

Life is called a Divine Gift when it is more like a Loan!

Miracles imply God corrects himself!

My posts on LGBT teachers in Catholic Schools

Narcissism of gay inclusive theology

Never just assume anybody's intention, especially God's, is good

Please don't follow Jesus

Quick facts on the dangers of Garabandal visionaries

Religion uses God to excuse the invention of morality

Salvation by grace alone is the Bible plan of salvation

Saying a religion is generally bad as opposed to calling it just bad

Should gay men opt for a Catholic funeral?

St Gemma Galgani "Stigmatist"

The Bible claims to be verbally inspired by God, godbreathed

The bizarre doctrine that God is beauty

The Book of Genesis says that religious murder is a law for all

The case for allegory in the Bible and the risks of allegory

The Christian lie that God loves the damned exposed

The Church and the visions of Garabandal

The doctrine that even God venerates the saints!

The doctrine that God always deals with sin is a lie

The God of the Christians has no free will!

The Godless Delusion A Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism

The Gospel of Thomas and its pantheistic mythological Jesus

The irony when Christians condemn blasphemy!

The lying genealogies of Jesus Christ

The notion of just war means holy war if you believe in God

The rudeness of suggesting there is a God

The sophistry of saying evil is good in the wrong place

Theologian argues for God and the soul

Thoughts on God's pronouns and gender

Tripe book God created humanism does not know what Christianity is

Was it a ghost story about Jesus that started the resurrection tale?

We are all givers and we all give something

Welcome to The Chance to Transform YOUR Life without God belief!

What does Jesus mean by Gehenna in the Mark gospel?

What we do is not God's concern

When Jesus said gnaw my flesh in John 6

Why go public on your departure from and dissociation from the Church

Why religious frauds get away with it

Why saying God does not make mistakes is potentially toxic

You need to admit that God promotes capital punishment





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