The LGBT community argues that homosexuality or transgenderism is an identity and not a disorder or a weakness. They mean it defines who you are and one reason it does that is because it is fixed and cannot change.

Now many have to be aware that it is fixed now and cannot change NOW and that is what matters.  It is still your identity.  It can change in years and that is fine.

The Vatican viciously banned gender affirming surgery in 2024.  This makes Catholic hospitals and clinics unsafe spaces for trans persons.

Jesus is argued by some to have thought of castration as a form of gender affirming surgery in the gospel.  The apostles were horrified when he banned divorce absolutely.  He then replied let him accept this teaching who can.  There are some he said that are eunuchs from birth and others who have become eunuchs for the kingdom.  The meaning is that if a man for whatever reason cannot have sex with a woman the divorce ban will not apply to him for marriage won't apply either.  Why bring that up?  Here is why.  "A man and woman who are married can only be made free to marry again by death.  If there is no sex then this rule does not apply".  It is understood here that a real marriage needs lock and key to happen, consummation.

It is not literal eunuchs he is referring to.  In Acts 8:27 Greek term he uses for eunuch (εὐνοῦχος) appears again.  Here it isn't about a man who has been castrated.  The man is allowed to pray at the Temple while castrated people are banned in accordance with Moses' law.  The man is a eunuch in the sense of being a Court Official - ie committed to celibacy.

It has been pointed out that if a person who says they are trans suffers dangerous and strong suicidal urges over this and not having surgery and hormones, that it is cruel and risky to keep them waiting until it is an emergency. It seems vicious say they are not suicidal enough so we just engage in “watchful waiting” in the meantime. You cannot watch somebody well enough. You can't organise help and surgery when a person might die before the day is out. This is seen by trans activists as injustice. It treats trans as an illness and they don’t like that either.

To sustain the view that trans is not an illusion or disorder it is necessary to assert that male or female is a personality and has nothing to do with the body. 

The response suggested is to let the person who wants to change sex do so and to let them direct the course. You have to mind your own business as to where their need comes from.

Children with cancer suffer aggressive treatments and may be damaged for life. Yet we approve. We do this for we wish nobody should have cancer. Can we treat a trans child the same as one suffering cancer?  Yes.

Trans affirming healthcare is often derided as something along the same lines as anorexia affirming healthcare would seem to be.

Anorexia comes from a place of fear. The person wants some control or to feel in control even if they are not. Many of us want to feel less threatened when faced by what which makes us feel we are powerless. It is not the same thing. The anorexic has a sense of being in the right body.

A growing sense that gatekeeping for trans healthcare among the trans community is too based on lies and prejudice will lead to many changes.  If you have the terror of being in the wrong body, if the surgery and treatments will harm, do any bad results outweigh the relief of feeling you are yourself?  If a trans person has a year of being themselves and feeling free and then it starts to go wrong only the trans person can decide if it is was all worth it.  Each trans person has a different experience from the next one.  There is no way a model of care for one person can be imposed on another.

Remember that some trans need the body modified so much that they may attempt it themselves and end up butchered.

Make no mistake.  Traditional religion will harm trans by refusing to respect who they are and provide surgery and drugs.


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